Claire Connors

You know those super-svelte celebs who are always bragging, “I just eat what I want...and I never work out”? Well, Molly Sims, model-turned-TV-host-and-jewelry-designer, is definitely not one of them.
“This does not come naturally,” says the Southern-born belle of her cover-worthy physique. “I have to work out 60 to 90 minutes at least five days a week and stick to a high- fiber, low-calorie eating plan.” But healthy diligence didn’t come naturally to Molly either. Until a couple of years ago, her fitness routine was hit or miss, and her diet philosophy was “Less is more.” Fed up with constant weight fluctuations, Molly, 38, made a resolution that changed her life. “I wanted to be consistent with my exercise, so I committed to working out for 30 days in a row, no matter what,” she says. “For an hour every day, I did something. I was on the elliptical or the treadmill, and if someone asked me to go to a class—whether it was spinning, boxing, yoga, you name it—I went. By the end of the month, I felt so good, I just kept going. I didn’t want to lose my momentum.”
That 30-day immersion plan is just one of Molly’s many effective strategies. Try one—or all of them—today, and start living well, looking good, and feeling great!
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