The music launch of Ekk Deewana Tha recently took place in Agra. The lead actors of the film Prateik and Amy Jackson who were present at the venue that was located near the Taj Mahal, were completely mesmerised by the beauty of the emblem of love. Since British actor Jackson had never seen the tomb, which is counted as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Prateik took it upon himself to acquaint her with its history and significance.
“Prateik just couldn’t take his eyes off the monument. He was playing the part of the tour guide on that trip as he was taking Amy around,” says a unit member.
When informed that emperor Shah Jahan, in the memory of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal, built the tomb for her, Amy was completely taken aback.
“She loved the Taj Mahal,” says Prateik, who decided it was his self-assigned responsibility to educate the young actor about the Indian mausoleum.
“It is one of the most beautiful monuments we have. I’m completely in awe of it.”
Directed by Gautham Menon, Ekk Deewana Tha is a musical love story. And keeping with the theme of the film, the music launch was specifically planned with the Taj Mahal in the backdrop.
Speculations about Prateik and Amy seeing each other have been rife for a while. And this much-publicised trip to Agra, has only led to even more buzz regarding the two.
Speculations about Prateik and Amy seeing each other have been rife for a while. And this much-publicised trip to Agra, has only led to even more buzz regarding the two.
“Prateik even gifted Amy a miniature memento of the Taj Mahal, since she loved it so much,” adds a source. Prateik, however, preferred to not comment on this act.
Source : Hindustan Times
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